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  • Collection: Summer Storms

Damages from the derecho storm

The same tree that fell down and hit the car from a different view.

Damages from the derecho storm

This picture was in my neighborhood. A tree fell down but people removed it by cutting it to pieces.

The damages of the derecho storm

This picture was taken in my uncle's backyard, tree fell down and hit his neighbor's back yard.

Rain before the derecho storm

I took this picture at work friday night,half hour before the storm hit.

June 2012 Storm aftermath

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This is a tree that has fallen over during the storm in Northern Virginia.

2012 Storm aftermath

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This is a picture of a tree that has fallen over. It broke down one set of power lines and is leaning on another set of power lines. This is on a small street in Northern Virginia off 123.

June 2012 Storm aftermath

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Here a tree has fallen down and has taken out the power line and is blocking the street.

June 2012 Storm aftermath

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This tree has fallen over a power line and has also taken out a street lamp. This is on a back road in Northern Virginia by 123.

June 2012 Storm aftermath

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This is a close up of a tree that has taken down a power line in Norther Virginia. This is in a neighborhood by 123. About 2 trees down in a 1/2 mile road.

200 Year Old Tree Rests on Power Lines (June 2012)

This is a very old, large tree that fell over on power lines near the Potomac River on Rt-15. What is amazing is that the tree did not knock the lines off the pole, but rather the power lines are supporting this tree in mid air!