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This is a Shed at Chantilly High School were students were allowed to be creative.

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In high school this shed allowed students a place to celebrate, grieve or just plain get out frustrations in a creative way.
This shed is now gone.

Great Falls National Park

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This is a picture of Overlook 1 at Great falls National Park

Flooding on I-495

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This image is of me driving a Jeep in a major flash flood on 495 near Fair Oaks Mall on Sept 8th 2011

Fairfax Fuel farm

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Fuel farm off Fairfax Parkway and I-95. Gasoline is delivered by pipelines from refineries in Texas/Louisiana to tank farms such as this one on Pickett Road in Fairfax.

Arlington Cemetery

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Arlington National Cemetery occupying around 612 acres in Virginia off the Potomac River. Arlington became a military cemetery for more than 240,000 service members and their dependents.

Gunston Hall

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Gunston Hall, the home of George Mason IV, as seen from the Potomac side.

WWII Memorial

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World War II Memorial at dark

Tidal Basin

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Sunset at the Tidal Basin during the National Cherry Blossom Festival

Capitol Christmas

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Nighttime image of the lit Capitol Christmas Tree with the US Capitol building in the background

Manassas Va old town movie theater

Old town Manassas movie theater. built in 1980